Friday, March 23, 2018

What money is for in Thaumasia

I just read AngryGM's Nothing Here But Worthless Gold, and wanted to post some thoughts. If you don't want to read AnrgyGM's rant, the point is that the PCs don't end up doing that much with the huge amounts of money they tend to accumulate. (He doesn't seem to consider 3X campaigns that assumed fully functioning magic marts).

In Thaumasia, the heroes aren't going to be accumulating huge piles of cash and things easily converted to cash. Most of the valuable treasures aren't things that there's a liquid market for--magic weapons and most magic items are built for or by a specific person, and lose a lot of value in anyone else's hands, and besides, there aren't a lot of eligible buyers. You need a buyer with A) a big pile of cash, B) the ability and training to benefit from a magic sword and get your money's worth and C) doesn't already HAVE a magic sword. (Sure, maybe the one you're selling is better, but probably not--PCs keep the best sword and try to sell the old one).

One thing surplus magic items do is help contribute to the magical defenses of the kingdom. Orgnak the Unpleasant's Obsidian Blade of Evil may not do the players much good, but it counts towards the materials required to upgrade the frontier town's Temple to a Cathedral.

Another thing treasure does is provide new adventure hooks. Maybe the party fighter wants to wield the Dwarvencraft Axe of Sharpness, or maybe you want to gift it back to the Dwarven Lords (with the understanding of reciprocal gifting), maybe as an embassy from the King to upgrade relations with the Dwarven Lords (and raise your status in the kingdom).

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